Gardens view
As a botanical garden, Sheffield Botanical Gardens keeps a record of the trees, shrubs, and other plants in the collection.
Use the search boxes below to search the database to find where different plants are in the gardens. You can also use the Names page to explore an A to Z list of the plants in the collection.
The Map can be used to explore the collections by garden area, and you can zoom into specific locations to see the plants in that area.
The Features page has information about all the garden’s features including the Bear pit, Pan statue and the garden themes.
You can also follow a Tour around the gardens. More thematic tours will be added in future.

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Gardens map
Click on the map for a larger version.
Sheffield Botanical Gardens is managed by Sheffield City Council. We have a small team of gardeners, who, with the support of many volunteers from the Friends of the Botanical Gardens Sheffield, maintain and develop the gardens.
The Sheffield Botanical Gardens Trust is a charity that raises funds to help look after and develop the gardens and its plant collections
The gardens are free to enter. Opening times vary throughout the year.